Scripture Revelation

We live in a fallen world where God is constantly trying to be removed, and because of this I have started this post it scripture revelation. We need to get God back into our world. I challenge you to post these scriptures on your Facebook wall, Instagram account, Twitter etc.. If you wanted to go old school you could even ( gasp) write them out on a post it and leave them on a train, in a cab, or even on public restroom mirror. The possibilities are endless! Go everywhere in the world and tell the good news to everyone. - Mark 16:15

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness,humility,gentleness, and patience.
Colossians 3:12

I am the daughter of the one true king, but that is not the only hat that I wear. I am a wife, mother, cook, maid, taxi driver, friend, sister, teacher, blogger, babysitter, and the list could go on . Each one of these titles has its own "uniform". Some days I feel like am on a roller coaster, and not everyone gets the best ( enter in title) Elizabeth. I am hanging up those uniforms this week , and instead I am pulling out the  best robe in my closet. This robe was placed in my heart by God. Its pockets are full of all the things that he wants us to give to others.. compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.. Will you be wearing them this week? 

Walking with my God,

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