Scripture Revelation

We live in a fallen world where God is constantly trying to be removed, and because of this I have started this post it scripture revelation. We need to get God back into our world. I challenge you to post these scriptures on your Facebook wall, Instagram account, Twitter etc.. If you wanted to go old school you could even ( gasp) write them out on a post it and leave them on a train, in a cab, or even on public restroom mirror. The possibilities are endless! Go everywhere in the world and tell the good news to everyone. - Mark 16:15

Friday, February 28, 2014

He always has a plan for us!

 I know I'm a little late this week, but I was having a mid week pity party for myself until some amazing God fearing women reminded me that I serve his purpose! After everything that I have been through sometimes I forget that it's still God's plan ....I pray today that each and everyone one of us really know how much our Lord loves us! He loves us so much as our father that he took the time to plan a future to give us hope ! He never wants to harm us! It's easy to praise him when the road is smooth and the wind is hitting our back, but it gets hard when walking up hill in a storm. No matter what road you are on right now it's apart of his master plan, and he is walking with you!
Walking with my God

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lord I'm coming!

My Heart has heard you say, COME and talk with me, and my hearts response ... LORD I'm Coming! - Psalm 27:8

So many times I have felt my soul screaming with the desire to pause and pray.. to praise, to speak with my GOD. After I always feel a release , renewal, a tingle from head to toe. Its so freeing.. I hope the glow I feel on the inside is visible to all! Stop what you are doing , and let the LORD know you are coming!
Walking with GOD

BEE strong!

Be Strong and Courageous! DO NOT BE AFRAID; do not be discouraged for the LORD your GOD will be with you wherever you go! - Joshua 1:9

I don't know about you , but sometimes I have tendencies that lean towards me being a doormat. I can't say no, I want to do everything that is asked of me.  I don't like confrintation, and I have a hard time telling people how I truly feel. I put everyone Else's needs or feelings before my own. I want to be a people please. The truth is GOD never created me or ANYONE to be someones door mat. So, if you are having a hard time speaking up for your self, or just having a hard time finding the right words in a difficult situation I hope this post it Scripture finds you.. you are not alone and GOD is with you wherever you go!

Walking with GOD